December 10, 2003

Yahoo! News - Student Finds Largest Known Prime Number

Largest Prime Number
So, I'm all for computers and grid computing and stuff, but I find the fact that this story even shows up as sort of disappointing. It is nice, but it really isn't news. The guy didn't do anything. The story should be about what the guy says it should be about. The technique and how it can be used for other things that may have a more obvious use. Interresting, but somewhat pointless. I suppose the story could give some attention to the computing technique, but really, it is nothing.
Yahoo! News - Student Finds Largest Known Prime Number

Of course, we may find this prime to be useful after all . . .

RSS Tools

RSS Tools
So, like here is what I was reading today. What I like about this is that it somehow is possible that the little RSS feed could cause the downfall of Microsoft. I think it may be true. I also think that their downfall has already begun with the decadence of the abuse of their monopoly. A sign of rot from within. That the empire must be maintained at all costs.

Anyhow, I like the RSS feeds. Especially since no one can even agree on what the acronym means. That is excellent and a sign of vitality. And no one really cares. Everyone knows what it does and what it is called, but who really cares what it means. It isn't even an acronym - it is an abbreviation. At least, I've never heard the pronunciation of RSS, but I suppose you could say "riz" or something.

December 09, 2003

I'm Tired

I'm Tired
All of the time. Everything exhausts me because most things seem to have too much energy put into it. I think there is a relationship between how much energy is put into something and how much energy it takes to get out whatever was put in. May be related to the process of entropy. We are constantly losing energy and most of the crap that takes our energy simply isn't worth it. There are things that seem to be energizing. I think this is what the academics call elegance. You get more out of it than you put into it, at least, intellectually. Maybe.

Maybe this is just me being tired. I don't think so though. Music and athletics. Academics and dance. They take some energy to do, but when done well, return more than you put in. Politics is a great example for the general populace. I think most people feel they don't get a return on the energy that they have to put into it. So, nobody knows what anybody stands for, the parties simplify it for us to the extent that it is meaningless, and the end result is that nobody votes. It isn't too much trouble to go the polls. It is too much trouble to understand what everyone really stands for to make an thoughtful decision. Don't vote or vote the party line to feel like you have something. I don't know how you change that. Personality rules.

Sorry. No links. Just complaints.