February 28, 2003

I don't remember how I got here, but I couldn't help but watch until the end. Then I had to watch it again. I don't think that I need to watch again.

February 25, 2003

Luckily, this site has come along in time to protect us from harm in the event of a nuclear attack. I think I will start collecting these. For the "real thing" try the gummint's version.
Older and Elder
We try to save the one from the powder, but technology impinges. User interfaces are inverted. Entertainment wanes. We try again. As the fortune cookie says, "TRIUMPH" is just adding the "umph" to the try. Or some crap like that.

February 24, 2003

The elders get older
And yet they never die. The days fly by in a series of meetings and phone calls. Is this what it is like to be an adult? If, so I think I'll be a child. Maybe that's why I am here. This is a playground for the mind. For the subconcious to bleed over a bit. With some small feeling of release. Screw that.

The question is: Do we allow other elders into this council? The Mormon? The Badger? The Scot? Who shall join and who shall play? Who shall decide the former and the latter?


Oh. And here is a link that has been scaring many parents.

February 19, 2003

Welcome Raunchy! The flowers are eld. Like me and thee and the one missing on the slopes. They have died and only the council remains. We fight the forces of enthalpy and encourage entropy.

Adiabatic! Adiabatic! We change within a closed system. We are the nucleus within the amoeba of the company. We deform slowly and by deterministic processes within the contraints of Brownian motion. Seeming randomness is not. Seeming determinism is not. Life is the net and that is where we are. If we desire flowers, we should create them. From nothing and something. Ones and zeros.

Existing here is better than within the office.
More posting.
Post. Post. Post.
Let us play. A place to discuss in detail every wonderful (painful) day (night) of our existence in this environment of joy and shame.