May 25, 2004

Kerry Gets Google-Bombed

Wired News: Kerry Gets Google-Bombed
Superb. And Bush does too. And neither one has a single clue about what it means, what the effect is, or anything. Both sides have the position: "if they do it, that is wrong. If our folks do it, that is just the nature of democracy and the internet."

I think it is the latter. Next election, they will have really figured out what to do with this. Of course, everything will have changed by then.

I think the government should be run by blogs.

Yahoo! News - Universe Measured: We're 156 Billion Light-years Wide!

I love this tidbit of information. Stated with so much assurance and so much room for error. And I love this quote.
Yahoo! News - Universe Measured: We're 156 Billion Light-years Wide!: "'If the universe was finite, and had a size of about 4 billion to 5 billion light-years, then light would be able to wrap around the universe, and with a big enough telescope we could view the Earth just after it solidified and when the first life formed,' Cornish said. 'Unfortunately, our results rule out this tantalizing possibility.'"

May 21, 2004

Don't even think about speeding in Italy

They will catch you! I'd like to see the Cops episode where they use this car to bump some people off the road or throw the perp over the hood for frisking. Do NOT scratch the paint

Cold Turkey

Kurt Vonnegut is a most excellent writer and a very interesting thinker. I cannot truly vouch for the fact that this (Cold Turkey) article is his, since the whole commencement speech event, but it is very interesting. I'd like to argue against what seems a very pessimistic POV on humans, but then I'm not 81 with that perspective. Anyhow, read and think.

May 17, 2004

LauraJ's Weblog

I have been desperately looking for some information about getting the alerts to work correctly in Sharepoint and ran across LauraJ's Weblog. It didn't have the information that I was looking for, but it is a good blog with what looks like some good information.

May 14, 2004

Saint Anxieti of Malta

I think a very good friend of mine just might be the Patron Saint Anxieti of Malta.

May 10, 2004

E-mail Post

Thought I'd try the new feature, just to see how it feels. Here is a link about people hoping for an earthquake.

May 07, 2004

Marc's Outlook on Productivity: April 2004 Archives

Marc's Outlook on Productivity: April 2004 Archives

There are just a lot of interesting things here that I don't have time to read. There is talk of Onfolio and the book, Getting Things Done. All of it seems interesting, but I just don't have time to read it all now. So, I use my blog as a reminder, a cognitive artifact that places a link here for whatever I want to say.

I sorta thing things like onenote or onfolio are really just lightweight and portable blogs.