March 25, 2003

Yes! Yes. The SME Matrix. I'd forgotten. That is key to our retention strategy. Yes. That should make everyone happy. Yes. And! And! And the incumbent worker program! Yes. That is key too. And the patches! Don't forget the patches! And the lab coats!! And Especially. Especially!! The Project Management awards! Oh YES!! Those are great! How inspiring! You only need to be a PM to win one! That is the easiest job in the whole company! And you can get an award for it! Why would you ever want to leave? Why!?

March 04, 2003

At 'Em, Mate
There is no I in team, but there are these words. For idle curiosity inpsired by a previous post on my team site, I remembered the internet anagram server that can be found here. Proof that there is still no "I" in team, but "at me" is an anagram of team. I feel like I should make something of that, but I think it stands alone and has about as much meaning as its going to get.
There is only "me" in Team
I establish the council for all to blog, but there is only me here blogging alone. Busy-ness (business) intervenes. Emotions run wild. The tree falls alone in the woods.

And yet. It continues to fall. Over and over again. Knowing that the probability of someone eventually hearing it crash to the ground is one. Not zero. Does a tree hear itself? Can we listen to it grow as well as fall? A tree doctor would know.

Mardi Gras
So, like Mardi Gras is a religious holiday. At least, it is caused by the advent of Lent - one last chance to party before sacrifice. The question I have is (and I don't know the answer): Is there an equivalent "religious" holiday in Islam preceding the month-long fasting of Ramadan? One last chance to eat during the daylight hours. A gluttonous feast before the fast. Feast. Fast. Feast. There is a three day feast at the end of Ramadan, I hear. Questions with answers available and yet unfound.