March 22, 2004

Responding from one medium to another

I think that part of what we are doing is trying to use something that seems best suited to an individual voice and using it to accomodate multiple voices. The dialog in most blogs is active, but second hand. Blogging is about trust and interest amongst individuals. Puck is active as can be within his own blog, but only a little active within the team (although more active than most . . .). I am active in neither, but can't let them die.

Except for eye yee em. Something about that one made me distinctly uncomfortable. Like we were on a reality show, but didn't know it, so didn't buy into the fact that the cameras would be in our faces all the time recording everything we do everything we say and then edited to twist what we meant lacking editorial control (not by outside agents, but by ourselves). Anyhow, I killed it.

Here is the new one.

It is gone. My blog remains as it was before. Infrequent. Scattered. Unfocused. Mine.

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