July 21, 2004

Step Up to Wireless Networking

Step Up to Wireless Networking. Just an article I was looking for about setting up a small business wireless network.

I, Robot. I, like this.

Scott Rosenberg's commentary not only sums up the NYT editorial about why the book was so good, but nails the relationship to user interfaces. Excellent and to the point.

July 13, 2004

Groove Networks

Now this is something that just may be useful, but it all seems a little to creepy. Once I read more, I'll (maybe) post more. Generally, it looks somewhat interesting. I wonder how it integrates with blogs . . .

Electronic Election 2004

This is funny in a sort of Dilbert way: Electronic Election 2004. Funny, but a little too close to reality.

July 08, 2004

Free Textbook

This is a list of Current Papers and Brief Summaries, which includes a complete textbook written by a professor for use in his class. I remember the overpriced crap I had to buy when I was in college. This may not be better than the others, but it is certainly cheaper.

I bet Cisco sues him for copyright infringement . . .

July 07, 2004

Google Conquers E-Mail

Honestly, I think this hits it on the head. Gmail is really quite remarkable.

July 06, 2004


This is me.
kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


I just wanted to be sure that I kept this link somewhere handy. This blog is really becoming my personal knowledge store. And then there is this guy.

XP and RUP

I just found this paper that merges RUP and XP. Folks at my company generally believe that it has to be one or the other. Maybe not.

A Good overview of Content Management Systems

I always find this topic to be large and unwieldy, especially when talking to people that really have no background in it. This article provides a pretty good overview and, potentially, some context within which one may be able to have a useful discussion with those less immersed than others.