November 11, 2008

Prius Hybrid Data

So, this blog is well out of date, but I once again think of reviving it. First, though, I have some data that I really want to share with everyone. Really. Everyone.

Being me, I have been tracking the mileage and costs associated with my Prius pretty much since I bought it about three years ago. I don't have any data for the first 4000 miles, but I noticed that what I calculated to be the miles per gallon based on the odometer and gas pump was different than what the on board computer calculated. So, I created a spreadsheet (I wonder how many great ideas start with these words . . .).

In that spreadsheet I tracked each tank of gas, my mileage, my costs along with comparisons to my previous vehicle - a Kia Sedona. The Sedona was a fine minivan, but it got maybe 16 mpg and at the time of my purchase it was more like 12 mpg because it was right after Katrina, I live an Baton Rouge and commute to Lafayette. Gas prices were skyrocketing, I started commuting 130 miles per day, so goodbye minivan, hello hybrid.
Enjoy the charts. Note the drop-off in mileage in the summer of 2007. That is a new set of tires. I lost about 5 mpg with the new tires, but everyone denies that it is related. The data says so and no one offers an alternative explanation. So there. QED.

June 16, 2008

The Assualt on Reason

Al Gore wrote the book that gets at the politics of what I think of as the Era of Irresponsibility.